It's too exciting not to post: We've been vindicated by the TU

Today is Sunday, May 22, 2011 and we must give kudos to the TU.  I’ll even refrain from calling them the Tiny Union since they made headways today to publish a story with facts vs opinions.


Article:  The front page headline of the TU states “Brown won it on issues, advisers, ground game”


We thank you for this great report.  It appears you finally did some factual reporting.  In doing so you vindicated what the tea party members said, posted, blogged, and pushed out as far as we could without a media giant behind us and with a small donation bucket from our tea party members.  Our vindication came with these facts made public in the article:


  • Quote:  “The ground game – paid workers who fanned out across the city to personally contact voters…”
    • Vindication:  We said the workers were PAID and we were up against a political machine.


  • Quote:  “Craig Kirby of Washington, DC, Brown’s campaign manager for the second election…”  and “Bacote, a Maryland resident who teaches canvassing techniques for the Congressional Black Caucus…”
    • Vindication:  We said “out-of-towners” were here and would frame who our mayor would be


  • Quote:  “In the end, the victory came because of all of those things coming together: the support of Republicans…”
    • Vindication:  Our questioning the cross-over of Republicans to a Democrat and asking them why they just didn’t announce they were really Democrats in their hearts.  We still encourage them to move to the correct party that they are called to instead of staying in the GOP as RINOs.



Article:  The Metro page headline:  Holland stands by mayoral race vote tally


A stolen private email among tea party leaders about the mayor’s race and how we could learn from it was put into the hands of Abel Harding.  He chose to put it into an article.  Thank you for this article.  We are proud to ask that every single vote count.  That’s been the mantra of the left so we think they were on to something here.   Joseph Stalin once said:  “It’s not WHO votes that counts.  It’s who COUNTS the votes.”



Article:  Editorial – Our next mayor has a long road ahead


“He did not meet with tea party leaders.  He should invite them to offer concrete suggestions.” 

Thank you editors!  We asked to meet with Mr. Brown over and over again during his campaign.  He ignored us.  He did not fill out our questionnaire.  He did not meet with the board.  He did not attend our Mayoral Town Hall Debate.  He did not respond to any of our requests.  We were stood up and we hope he heeds your advice.  We await his call.


So today the Tea Party can proudly say – “We told you so.”  You may have made fun of us for saying out-of-towners were here and paid workers were smoking pot outside the GOP headquarters (we called them Zombies since they had glassy eyes from the pot) BUT today you proved us right.  Thank you TU! 


And a special recognition to the team behind Alvin Brown – good job. 


We learned a lot and we’ll see you in November 2012.

Views: 158


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Comment by J.R. on May 22, 2011 at 11:55am

There's no hot water or electricity out there, and even if the sun heats the stickers up, it also heats up the glue, the residue of which will remain on the signs to collect dust and blown grass clippings and trash.  The city has workers responsible for the maintenance of all city property, but they shouldn't be burdened with cleaning up this by product of vandalism and they have enough work to do already. And, of course, it is we the taxpayers who foot the bill, should they have to work overtime to clean this up.

Also, the Hogan campaign didn't get out-worked by the Alvin Brown campaign, they got out-worked by the out-of-state carpetbagger SEIU, Organizing for America (ACORN), and who became, essentially, Alvin Brown's campaign. Had it just been just Hogan and Brown, without Brown's outsiders, including Al Gore and Bill Clinton, Brown would have lost.

It was the extended Obama political machine, through the above-mentioned out-of-state entities whose electioneering interfered in our county elections process, that got Alvin Brown elected. Like Alvin Brown said, it will be "good for Obama" in 2012. And, I'll give him credit for being right about that.

Why don't we circulate a petition to have all the votes and the registrations for the past year subjected to an audit, preferably a forensic one. No telling how many of those campaign workers being provided paid housing, registered and voted. That has been confirmed to have happened in other states in the past. And how many dead people and incarcerated convicted felons voted this time?

Comment by Buzz Provost on May 22, 2011 at 11:46am
Everyone is trying to ignore the Tea Party because they don't know how to react to us and want us to go away. They want business as usual. They don't want us trying to tell them what to do and want to believe we are something that is a flash in the pan and who are we to ell them(the Elites) what and how to do something. They have the politician mindset that they know best. As for the Republicans that supported the Democrats, they need to be impeached, run out of office and/or kicked out of the republican party. Enough said.
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 22, 2011 at 11:44am

I think in 2012 you will see most of the voters participate as they did in 2008. I just hope that a strong, patriotic, inspiring, constitutional fiscal conservative is the opposition. I like Ron Paul in theory but he comes across weak and sometimes a little odd. There were a few, i remember seeing on San Jose Blvd, who actually had signs out stating they were not voting period because they did not like either candidate, well neither did we but we say the great danger offered by the Democratic party. Duval county and the area is mostly conservative, hopefully they will vote against President Obama in 2012 but the man is being disingenuous again, I can not believe the support APAC gave the President today, when he was not supporting Israel's growth since the 1967 lines, he stated his stance in a completely different way which he said that the press miss reported what he said, i sat and listen to both speeches and he changed his wording today from Thursday. That is what is maddening is the manipulation of facts and words and people not picking up on it. Each group he talks totally different to, and i really hate it when he puts his 'accent' on for certain groups, it is appalling, that is what is so refreshing about Palin, Bachmann, Cain, West, even Trump, they all talk the same to ALL people , let me walk that back, Trump did talk differently to the Vegas group with using foul language, but he is not in the running anymore but the message was always the same, unlike how the Socialist Progressive Liberals. President Obama is setting up a dangerous undercurrent in foreign policy. Mitch Daniels is out. I LOVe Herman Cain's foreign policy:


Watch all the videos, they are all very inspirting. There were over 15,000 people who were there in Atlanta, Georgia. He did this all without a tele-promtor or notes a 25 minute speech. We need candidates like this... Hopefully he changed his aunt Betsy's mind by the end of his speech. *G*

Personally i am so fed up with pandering parasitic career politicians. 

"Do you want a leader? Or do you want a reader?" Herman Cain.

He advocates re-reading the Constitution and enforce it. I LOVe his foreign policy.


Comment by Alan Starcher on May 22, 2011 at 11:21am

Valerie: "Alvin brown stickers have been placed over Hogan Road street signs. Who can we call about that? The Brown camp should have to pay to replace those, NOT the taxpayers of Jacksonville! !"

A little hot water, maybe a little hot air from a hair dryer, or wait until they've been in the sun for an hour or so.  Betcha they'd peel right off -- couldn't one of us, or a resident there locally, handle that without involving the government?  :)

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on May 22, 2011 at 11:19am

Yes it is a vindication -- of sorts. 

I would have preferred the T-U had taken the Tea Party seriously before the election took place and reported the facts. But I think we all know why they did not do it.  And notice the T-U did not give Billie or the Tea Party any credit in the article for bringing up out-of-towners in the first place.

I am as skeptical as Carol.  To report something like this after the election is highly suspicious and it is tells me the T-U was trying to influence the election by not reporting all the facts.

At the same time, it is clear the Hogan campaign got outworked by the Brown campaign.  The real losers are the apathetic registered voters who never intended to vote.

Comment by J.R. on May 22, 2011 at 10:44am

Patricia, Brown has also not disclosed any information about any pay he received from his and other corporations and foundations, either for his functional services or his Board of Directors service on the Boards of Directors of many of those entities.

I also don't see any donations listed for him from any of those corporations and foundations. He resigned his position on one of those Boards just prior to announcing for election as Mayor. His wife, Santhea Hicks is, and has been, involved as an official in the running of some of Brown's corporations. Perhaps the compensation goes to her. And, some of the corporations Brown has been involved with, including his, have either had their FL Dept. of State licenses suspended for not filing Annual Reports, and one Brown was involved with was dissolved for not filing Annual Reports. I posted a blog on those earlier that included most, but not all, of our question Alvin Brown never answered and the Florida Times Union refused to print.

Comment by Glenn Lord Sr. on May 22, 2011 at 10:42am

We lost this election not only because of the corruption on the left but that on the right as well. 63% stayed home and if it were not for my opposition vote to socialism I would have also. The last four years and before have been at the leadership of an arrogant and corrupt mayor hand chosen by big money interest. The next four years promises to be a change not for the better, but just more of the same with a different master.

Alvin Brown didn't meet with the Tea Party for one of two reasons. Either he didn't think it would do him any good or he was afraid of us. I think the latter. The third possible reason was he is arrogant like our present mayor, but only time will tell. If he is a smart man he will try to smooth over the bad relations since that would now be to his political advantage.

As far as the Tiny Union; don't think they are ever your friend. Anything that can be done to alert the public to their lack of integrity should be done. Anything (legal) that can be done to hasten their financial demise should be done. They are the key to honest elections here in Jacksonville and until they are gone you will never have one. Nobody can afford to purchase the political weight they carry and even paid troops can't overcome their influence.

"The pen is mightier than the sword" but only if the public sees the written word or whatever means is used for communication. So far we have used events and as much appearance on media as possible, but so far we have been marginally effective. The left has most of our media in tow and so is leading the nation by the nose. We can't do much about the nation but if we can fell the beast in our own forest perhaps others will follow.

The Tiny Union has thrown down the gauntlet with their unwarranted attacks on us and I say if we do not return the challenge they have won. Now I and others would like to hear your thoughts.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 22, 2011 at 10:38am
the TU deserved Kudos is they reported it BEFORE the election not after the election when they did everything they could to get him elected BEFORE the election.  If the information is out there to be found, they should have found it and reported it.  We found stuff about him, and if we did it, just imagine what someone who actually did that sort of thing for a living could have found..............
Comment by John & Audrey Anderson on May 22, 2011 at 10:35am
Good article and I hope a wake up call. 
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 22, 2011 at 10:32am

Interesting to note here, if the canvasing team had told voters, about all the campaign money where, it came from, about Brown stating that he was an attorney on his donations to other Democratic Progressives, many who are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus which is clearly socialist/communist/marxist in ideologue with the FEC, about $1,000,000.00 plus million dollars raised by his campaign, the majority of it coming from DNC groups and out of town supporters, if they got the information on all the questionable fundraising groups that Brown was head of and questions about where the donations went to, all of our unanswered questions with the truthful answers, how many people would of voted for him, if they knew the truth that he is actually a Socialist Democratic Progressive Liberal, not a conservative or moderate Democrat?  This report is good to see. The Florida Times Union should get kudos for reporting the truth, but can they dig for the truth and get some truthful answers to many unanswered questions?


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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